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Cardinal denies drafting changes for papal conclave

November 06, 2023

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CWN Editor's Note: Cardinal Gianfranco Ghirlanda has denied reports that he is drafting a document that would propose changes in the process of electing a new Roman Pontiff.

Responding to reports (see separate CWN news brief) that he was working with Pope Francis on reforms for the papal conclave, the cardinal—a Jesuit expert on canon law and a close adviser to the Pontiff—said told LifeSite News that he “had no news about the conclave reform that you mention.” He said that the reports were “absolutely false.”

Matteo Bruni, the Vatican spokesman, also denied the reports.

Two US-based web sites—The PIllar and the Remnant newspaper—had reported that Cardinal Ghirlandi was drafting the plan to reform procedures for papal elections. The reports differed as to whether the reforms would only change the general congregations that occur before the conclave, or extend to the conclave itself.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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