Catholic Culture Solidarity
Catholic Culture Solidarity
Catholic World News

Reflect the love of God by loving others, Pope tells pilgrims

October 30, 2023

» Continue to this story on Vatican Press Office

CWN Editor's Note: During his October 29 Angelus address, Pope Francis reflected on Matthew 22:34-40, the Gospel reading of the day.

“God always precedes us, he anticipates us with his infinite tenderness, with his closeness, with his mercy, for He is always near, tender and merciful,” Pope Francis said to pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square. “You cannot truly love others if you do not have this root, which is love of God, love for Jesus.”

“By loving our brothers and sisters, we reflect the Father’s love like mirrors,” he continued. “May the Virgin Mary help us live the great commandment of love in our daily life: to love and to allow God to love us, and to love our brothers and sisters.”

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