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Bosnian leader meets with Pontiff

October 23, 2023

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CWN Editor's Note: Denis Bećirović, one of the three members of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, met with Pope Francis on October 21.

The Bosnian leader also met with Cardinal Pietro Parolin (the Holy See’s Secretary of State) and Archbishop Paul Gallagher (Secretary for Relations with States and International Organizations).

Among the topics that were discussed, according to a Vatican statement, “open questions in Church-State relations,” the importance of “the legal and social equality of all constituent peoples and dialogue among all political actors” in Bosnia and Herzegovina, EU expansion, and the conflicts in Ukraine and the Holy Land.

Bosnia and Herzegovina, a Balkan nation of 3.8 million (map), is 49% Christian (38% Orthodox, 11% Catholic) and 47% Muslim. Pope Francis made an apostolic journey to Sarajevo, the nation’s capital, in 2015.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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