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Catholic World News

Pope encourages little Mongolian flock in faith, unity, witness, Eucharistic adoration

September 04, 2023

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CWN Editor's Note: Saturday, September 2, was the busiest day of Pope Francis’s apostolic journey to Mongolia.

The Pope visited the nation’s president at the Government Palace and addressed civil authorities and members of the diplomatic corps there. In his address to civil authorities, Pope Francis spoke about peace and respect for the earth.

Later, the Pope addressed clergy, religious, missionaries, and pastoral workers in Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral. The Pontiff emphasized the importance of Eucharistic adoration, from which authentic apostolic activity springs.

“When we remain in contact with the face of Christ, seeking him in the Scriptures and contemplating him in silent adoration before the tabernacle, we come to see him in the faces of those we serve and experience an interior joy that, even amid hardship, brings peace to our hearts,” Pope Francis said.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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