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Cardinal Dolan asks: Did we go too far with Covid restrictions?

July 04, 2023

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CWN Editor's Note: “I find myself undertaking an examination of conscience: Did we as a Church, here in the United States, go too far in obeying all the restrictions imposed during the Covid pandemic, resulting in a lack of pastoral care for those sick?” Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York wrote as he reflected on the example of the Shreveport martyrs.

“I am glad we were attentive, and realize that we have a moral duty to listen to prudent medical cautions and protect our people, especially our elders and those in fragile health,” he continued. “However, I ask myself — were we equally obedient to the biblical commands to be near the sick, to comfort the dying, to reverently bury the dead, and, for us deacons, priests and bishops, to bring the sacraments and the Church’s prayerful accompaniment to those very sick from the virus?”

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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  • Posted by: Randal Mandock - Jul. 04, 2023 3:09 PM ET USA

    You think so? Three years too late? Having been afraid of offending your secular leaders? Fearing a disease that can kill the body but not the soul? Leading Catholics into sin by demanding they accept potions derived in testing or production from cell lines that originated in procured abortions? Failing to take into consideration actual science as explained by faithful, reliable, and expert Catholic health and medical organizations? Giving in to sophistry and panic before a political threat?