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Catholic World News

Parents-rights organizations now listed as ‘hate groups’

June 07, 2023

» Continue to this story on Daily Signal

CWN Editor's Note: The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which claims to track “hate groups” in the US, has begun to list groups that promote the rights of parents to guide their children’s education.

“Schools, especially, have been on the receiving end of ramped-up and coordinated hard-right attacks, frequently through the guise of ‘parents’ rights’ groups,” the SPLC says. The group’s latest directory of “hate groups” includes organizations such as chapters of Parental Rights in Education and of Parents Involved in Education.

The SPLC, whose “hate group” labels are often adopted by the mainstream media, has itself been charged with bias because of its obvious hostility toward conservative and/or Christian organizations.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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