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Hong Kong bishop: Pope wants to build bridges to China

May 12, 2023

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CWN Editor's Note: Hong Kong’s Bishop Stephen Chow, who recently returned from a visit to the mainland, disclosed that Pop Francis wanted him to lead a “bridge church” to unite Chinese Catholics.

Bishop Chow, in an interview with Father Anthony Spadaro of Civilta Cattolica said that the mission of the Church in Hong Kong is “to connect the different and opposing sides, to help them see themselves as human persons eager to be heard and understood.”

Bishop Chow said that the secret Vatican deal with China, governing the appointment of new bishops,”is not dead as some seem to have suggested.” But he conceded that “the discrepancies of views between the two sides on the assignment of bishops to other dioceses could be a factor to be better understood.” He suggested that further talks could resolve the difficulties.

The Hong Kong prelate also avoided questions about the impact of the Beijing regime’s drive to “Sinicize” the Catholic Church. He said: “I think it is better not to jump to conclusions about sinicization for now.”

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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