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Catholic World News

Synod’s ‘messy,’ ‘joyful’ North American phase concludes with call to mission, moves to Rome

April 13, 2023

» Continue to this story on Our Sunday Visitor

CWN Editor's Note: The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has published the North American Final Document for the Continental Stage of the 2021-2024 Synod.

“The gift of being together in one place and listening to each other is perhaps the best lesson learned during the Continental Stage in North America,” the 39-page document concluded. “As one participant said, ‘People enjoyed sharing, rather than just being talked to – there is no going back.’ The benefits of being intentionally synodal was a common theme. As was mentioned by a bishops’ group, ‘The synodal process has not been perfect, but it has been good.’”

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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