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Papal encouragement for Italian TV show A sua immagine

March 06, 2023

» Continue to this story on Vatican Press Office

CWN Editor's Note: On March 4, Pope Francis received the editorial board of the television program A sua immagine [In His Image], an Italian public television show that highlights the plight of the needy and broadcasts the weekly papal Angelus address.

The Pope, who said he regularly views the segments on the needy, praised the program for “giving voice to the weakest and those who suffer; it does so by telling of those who live the Gospel in the geographic and existential peripheries of Italy and the world; it does so by opening ‘windows’ on situations and places that often fly under the radar of public opinion.”

“The epoch change we are experiencing bears witness to the loss, on the part of many people, precisely of the awareness of being children of God, created ‘in his image,’” he added. “There is a need to revive it.”

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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