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Catholic World News

Chinese embassy reacts to Pelosi’s Taiwan visit with anti-Catholic tweet

August 05, 2022

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CWN Editor's Note: The Chinese embassy in France reacted to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan with an anti-Catholic tweet in which in which the Virgin Mary attempts to steal a Chinese baby.

The image, according to UCA News, hearkens back to anti-Catholic propaganda during the rule of Mao Zedong that portrayed Catholic orphanages as “factories to steal and kill Chinese babies.”

The image is likely a reference to Pelosi’s Catholic faith, despite Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone’s recent statement that Pelosi “is not to be admitted to Holy Communion unless and until she publicly repudiates her support for abortion ‘rights.’”

In May, Pelosi strongly criticized the arrest of Cardinal Joseph Zen of Hong Kong. The Chinese Foreign Ministry “firmly rejected” Pelosi’s comments and added, “We urge Nancy Pelosi to immediately withdraw her ‘black hand’ from Hong Kong affairs.”

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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