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Catholic World News

Pope Francis speaks with Zelensky, Major Archbishop by phone to express support for Ukraine

February 26, 2022

On February 26—the third day of the large-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine—Pope Francis spoke by telephone with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and with Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk, the head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.

In his conversation with President Zelensky, Pope Francis expressed his “most profound pain for the tragic events unfolding in our country,” according to the Ukrainian embassy to the Holy See.

“Thanked Pope Francis for praying for peace in Ukraine and a ceasefire,” Zelensky tweeted. “The Ukrainian people feel the spiritual support of His Holiness.”

“I will do everything in my power” to be of support, Pope Francis told Major Archbishop Shevchuk, according to a statement from the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.

The statement continued:

The Holy Father also asked about the situation of bishops and priests in the territories most affected by the Russian military operation. Pope Francis thanked the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church for its closeness to the Ukrainian people, its choice to be with the people, and the fact that the underground of the Patriarchal Cathedral in Kyiv has become a real refuge for the people.

The Holy Father assured His Beatitude Sviatoslav of his support and prayers for the dear Ukraine. At the end of the conversation, Pope Francis gave his apostolic blessing to the suffering Ukrainian people.

Pope Francis also renewed his call for prayer and fasting.

“Jesus teaches us to respond to the diabolical senseless of violence with God’s weapons: with prayer and fasting,” the Pope tweeted on February 26. “May the Queen of peace preserve the world from the folly of war.”


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