Catholic Culture Trusted Commentary
Catholic Culture Trusted Commentary

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Catholic World News

Discern, work with the poor, and fight when treated unfairly, Pope tells women religious

February 02, 2022

» Continue to this story on The Pope Video

CWN Editor's Note: Pope Francis called for a new approach to religious life, and warned once more against “rigidity,” as he celebrated Mass for the World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life.

“I exhort [women religious] to keep working and to have an impact with the poor, with the marginalized, with all those who are enslaved by traffickers,” Pope Francis said in an accompanying video. “I invite them to fight when, in some cases, they are treated unfairly, even within the Church; when they serve so much that they are reduced to servitude—at times, by men of the Church.”

Sounding what has become a familiar theme, the Pope said: “The temptation today is go to back and conserve traditions, but with rigidity. Rigidity is a perversion. Behind every form of rigidity lies grave problems No returning to the past. No rigidity. Let us open our eyes.”

Religious sisters and consecrated women are the subject of the February papal prayer intention.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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