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Catholic World News

Dublin archbishop says he won’t stand in the way of First Communion, Confirmation ceremonies

August 04, 2021

» Continue to this story on Irish Catholic

CWN Editor's Note: “Current [government] guidelines restrict celebrations of the sacraments on the apparent grounds that they may lead to family gatherings, which may breach public health guidelines on household mixing,” said Archbishop Dermot Farrell. “This is perplexing, as no such prohibitions are applied to other events. . . . Many have concluded that, in the absence of appropriate justification, these guidelines are discriminatory.”

Some priests have spoken out in favor of the Irish government’s guidelines. Accusing bishops of endangering children, the co-founders of the Association of Catholic Priests strongly criticized prelates who are permitting First Communion and Confirmation ceremonies. (Founded in 2010, the organization supports women’s ordination and the “re-evaluation of Catholic sexual teaching.”)

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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