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Korean bishop to head Vatican Congregation for Clergy

June 11, 2021

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CWN Editor's Note: Pope Francis has named Bishop Lazarus You Heung-sik of Dejeon, South Korea, to become the new prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy. He will replace Cardinal Beniamino Stella, who is retiring at the age of 79.

Bishop You, who is 69, was ordained as a priest in Daejeon in 1979, named coadjutor bishop in 2003, and assumed the leadership of the diocese in 2005. He is likely to become a cardinal after taking his new role.

Earlier this week the Pope appointed Bishop Egidio Miragoli on Mondavi, Italy, to conduct an apostolic visitation of the Congregation for the Clergy, the Vatican body that supervises the world’s priests. The Pontiff had ordered a similar complete review of the work of the Congregation for Divine Worship after the resignation of Cardinal Robert Sarah, who had been prefect of that dicastery.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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