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Catholic World News

In Chicago, Franciscan professor rips Ghana’s bishops’ teaching on homosexuality

June 09, 2021

A professor at one of the United States’ largest Catholic graduate schools of theology denounced Ghana’s bishops for “foment[ing] hatred and violence through dehumanizing rhetoric and distorted worldviews.”

In their Declaration on Recent LGBTQI Activities in Ghana, released in February, the West African nation’s bishops said that “we, the Catholic Bishops of Ghana, write to condemn all those who support the practice of homosexuality in Ghana. . . We do this because the Roman Catholic Church is opposed to this abominable practice.”

Citing Sacred Scripture and Church teaching, they added, “Even though the Church strongly condemns homosexual acts, it insists that the rights of homosexuals as persons should be respected.”

Father Daniel Horan, OFM—who holds the Duns Scotus Chair of Spirituality at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, and is the author, most recently, of A White Catholic’s Guide to Racism and Privilege—responded:

The Ghanaian bishops have unequivocally participated in and promoted the dehumanization of LGBTQ persons, which has resulted in increased discrimination and violence. . . . During this annual LGBTQ Pride Month of June, which is a time to celebrate the beautiful diversity of God’s creation within the human family, let us call to mind the manifold ways church leaders and everyday Christians blaspheme the sacred name of God and defame the church of Jesus Christ by using distorted views of scripture and tradition to justify crimes against humanity.

Founded in 1968, Catholic Theological Union is guided by two dozen religious institutes, including Franciscans, Servites, and Passionists. It has 225 students (Table 2.15), 40% of whom are members of religious communities.


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  • Posted by: mclom - Jun. 13, 2021 12:59 PM ET USA

    I support the Ghanaian bishops desire to educate Catholics in the true Church teachings but wish they had added to the CCC section to treat homosexuals with respect, explain what that means giving concrete examples of how to reach out. Shame in the distorted teaching of the critic; his view is also unbalanced.

  • Posted by: grateful1 - Jun. 12, 2021 12:46 PM ET USA

    Why is Horan--a man dripping with hate and condescension toward African prelates--even a priest? He should check his white privilege--not to mention study up on the constant teachings of the Catholic Church, in whose name he dares to speak.

  • Posted by: edenjohnson364256 - Jun. 11, 2021 7:49 PM ET USA

    I am dismayed at Father Daniel Horan, OFM, and his "wokeness." June is the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and it will not be usurped.

  • Posted by: Randal Mandock - Jun. 09, 2021 9:38 AM ET USA

    A very strong statement by Ghana's bishops that could use a bit of finessing. The bishops are right to reject the EU's latest attempt at ideological colonization. They are right to urge the government to avoid taxpayer support for a destructive political movement. No doubt they see with clear vision the corruption of children in Western nations by anti-human political movements. They speak powerfully against violation of the 6th Commandment. I support their statement with some needed editing.