Catholic World News

Vatican discounts rumors on quick beatification of John Paul II

November 06, 2009

Vatican officials have moved quickly t0 deflate a report, published in the Italian daily La Repubblica, that Pope John Paul II will be beatified early next year. Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Secretary of State, told Vatican Radio that the story in La Repubblica was speculative, and "not based on any concrete decision." He explained that several steps must still be taken in the process leading up to beatification for John Paul II, including a thorough investigation and certification of a miracle attributed to the late Pontiff's intercession. Father Federico Lombardi, the director of the Vatican press office, reminded reporters that the investigation leading up to a beatification is time-consuming, and the remaining steps are not likely to be completed in time for the rumored beatification in the spring of 2010-- although he added that John Paul II "will surely be beatified" eventually. Father Lombardi also disputed a claim in the Repubblica article that there is a debate over the site for the beatification, with Polish prelates arguing for the ceremony to take place in Krakow while Vatican officials insist that it should be in Rome. Father Lombardi said that as Roman Pontiff, the late Pope "belongs to the universal Church."


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