With the Apostolic Letter Porta fidei Pope Benedict XVI declared a Year of Faith. This year will begin on October 11, 2012, on the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Ecumenical Vatican Council, and will conclude on November 24, 2013, the Solemnity of our Lord Jesus Christ, Universal King.
The beginning of the Year of Faith coincides with the anniversaries of two great events which have marked the life of the Church in our times: the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, called by Blessed Pope John XXIII (October 11, 1962), and the twentieth of the promulgation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, given to the Church by Blessed Pope John Paul II (October 11, 1992).
Plenary Indulgence for the Year of Faith
Pope Benedict XVI will grant the faithful a Plenary Indulgence for the occasion of the Year of Faith valid from the opening of the Year on October 11, 2012 until its end on November 24, 2013, the Feast of Christ the King.
Year of Faith - Pope Francis' reflections for the Year of Faith.
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Year of Faith - Pope Benedict's reflections for the Year of Faith on the topic of faith. Click Here
Apostles and Disciples - Pope Benedict XVI's reflections on the Apostles and other important early Church personalities.
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Church Fathers - Pope Benedict introduces us to the lives and works of twenty-six different Fathers of the Church. Click Here
Medieval Theologians - Pope Benedict XVI's catechesis on eleven medieval theologians. Click Here
Women of Faith - Pope Benedict XVI's catechesis on women who are saints or blesseds. Click Here
Prayer - Pope Benedict XVI's catechesis on prayer. Click Here
Today is Saturday of the First Week in Ordinary Time. The Roman Martyrology today commemorates St. Prisca, virgin and martyr (d. 275). Under Emperor Claudius II in about 270 she gained the crown of martyrdom. Prisca should not be confused with Priscilla, the wife of Aquila, mentioned in the…