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1999 Resolutions of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy's Annual Convocation in Chicago, July 13-14, 1999

by Rev. John Trigilio, Jr., Ph.D.


1999 Resolutions of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy Annual Convocation July 13-14, 1999 held in Chicago.

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Confraternity of Catholic Clergy Newsletter

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Confraternity of Catholic Clergy, 1999

Chicago, IL --- July 13-14, 1999

The Confraternity of Catholic Clergy Annual Convocation in Chicago this year was a great success. Over 75 priests and deacons from around the country gathered at the Radisson Hotel O'Hare to profess their loyalty to the Magisterium, obedience and respect to the Roman Pontiff and to hear orthodox and very Catholic speakers. His Excellency, the Most Rev. Thomas G. Doran, D.D., J.C.D., Bishop of Rockford, IL, was the keynote speaker and Main Celebrant and Homilist for the opening Mass. The theme of this year's convention was "The Holy Father Calls Christ's Priests Into the New Millennium." Bishop Doran spoke on the teaching, 'TU ES SACERDOS IN AETERNUM' He was followed by Dr. Brian Clowes, Ph.D., director of the Pro-Life/Pro-Family Institute at Human Life International, Front Royal, VA, who gave a lecture entitled "Good Things Happening in the Church and in the World." Rev. Msgr. Eugene V. Clark, Ph.D., pastor of Saint Agnes in NYC and frequent commentator on EWTN delivered a speech on "The Sources of Catholic Strength at the Turn of the Century." Rev. Msgr. George A. Kelly, Ph.D., founder of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars and author of "The Battle for the American Church," discoursed on "Recovering the Fatherhood of the Catholic Priest." Dr. Regis Martin, S.T.D., professor of systematic theology at Franciscan University, Steubenville, OH, talked on "Going Home to the Father Through Christ." The event concluded with a Mass celebrated by Rev. Fr. Robert J. Levis, Ph.D., professor emeritus of Gannon University, author and host on EWTN, with homily preached by Rev. Fr. John Trigilio, Jr., Ph.D.

All five speakers are known for their orthodoxy and erudite lectures. The priests and deacons were very impressed with the depth, accuracy, and candor in each of the presenters. The common theme was to prepare for the Third Millennium by renewing our commitment to Holy Mother Church as ordained clergy who serve the People of God in the name of the hierarchical church founded by Christ on the rock of Peter. We were reminded that the dissenters and heterodox elements of our day are well organized and networked with one another in their attempt to sow weeds among the wheat. Only prayer, holiness, obedience and orthodoxy can triumph over the forces of darkness, we were told. Loyalty to Rome and the Holy Father is not an esoteric nor idyllic notion for the faithful, especially those men in Holy Orders. Fidelity to the Magisterium, both extraordinary and ordinary, is a constitutive component of true discipleship. As Priests, we act IN PERSONA CHRISTI as an ALTER CHRISTUS. Hence, since it is only through Christ that any of us can know or see the Father and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal Him; likewise, the Priest who is configured to Christ (the God-Man) also reflects the Father by being 'son' himself. Faithful sons listen to their Father and are confident in their mission. The title "Father" given to priests is not merely one of respect and manners, but an ontological reality that as another Christ, the Son of God, the Priest must reflect the Father to the faithful he ministers to in the name of the Church.

Rev. Fr. Richard W. Gilsdorf resigned as President due to ill health and was by acclamation named President Emeritus in recognition of his many years of faithful service to the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy. Rev. Fr. William John Martin, Ed.D., was elected new president. Father Martin, a priest of the Diocese of Toledo, was former rector of Holy Spirit Seminary and Assistant Vocation Director. He promised to continue the good work of Father Gilsdorf and pledged his prayers for health and blessings of our former president.


The following were proposed and voted unanimously by the membership of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy:


1. The members of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy in filial obedience, love and respect, pledge our complete and total loyalty to the Roman Pontiff and as we make final preparations for the opening of the Holy Door on the eve of Jubilee Year 2000, we commit ourselves with full support for all the intentions of His Holiness Pope John Paul II, the Vicar of Christ on earth.

2. We urge our people and parishioners to usher in the Third Millennium by honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary, especially on her feast of the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, January 1, the first day of the new century. We exhort all to celebrate the beginning Millennium with Holy Mass that day and by praying the Rosary for world peace.

3. In union with the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, we pray for the success of the American Bishops in their efforts to fully implement in all Catholic colleges and universities the Apostolic Exhortation "EX CORDE ECCLESIAE" and ask all institutions to give their full cooperation.

4. We priests promise to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the other Sacraments with genuine faith, attention, reverence and devotion according to the official rubrics of the Church. We endeavor to avoid any and all peculiar theatrics and disavow all illicit innovations while remaining faithful to all the liturgical laws. We are convinced that this will lead to a renewal of authentic piety and a renaissance of Eucharistic devotion not to mention an increase in vocations. Furthermore, we shall work to bring the message of Divine Mercy of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to young and old alike as a remedy for violence in the home, in school and society at large.

5. We renounce any reluctance to speak clearly and prophetically during upcoming political elections on issues of life, justice, moral decency and the natural law. Politicians and religious leaders of other creeds have in the past eclipsed the Catholic population in their voice and efforts. We urge all pastors and people to defend the unborn, the disabled, the elderly, the sick and the infirm by every legal and peaceful (non-violent) means at our disposal. We call all the faithful to study carefully and choose wisely their elected officials, not for personal and economic reasons alone but more importantly to uphold the rights and freedoms of all citizens, from conception to old age, from crib to hospital bed.

6. We pray for peace among nations and among all peoples, especially for an end to all violence, war, terrorism, racism and hatred. We reiterate the words of Mother Teresa who said to us in America that if we want peace, then we must end abortion and stop using contraception, for violence in the womb and in the family leads to violence in the streets and among countries.

7. As we enter the 21st century, we as Catholics learn to use the marvels of modern electronics as a means of healthy communication and honest evangelization. The challenge lies before us to either allow evil to flourish vis-a-vis pornography, hatefulness, and anti-Catholicism on the Internet and through computers and virtual reality, via fiber optics, cable and satellite TV, etc. or to use these same tools to promote truth, knowledge and communio among all people. Furthermore, we urge parents to take an active role in their children's use of modern media so that it is used to teach the faith and communicate the truth rather than to disseminate immorality, sinfulness, hatred and violence. We applaud and support the work and effort of pioneers in modern Catholic media, like Mother Angelica and EWTN and others.


approved unanimously on July 14th, 1999

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