Catholic Culture Solidarity
Catholic Culture Solidarity

Library Collection: "Pope Benedict XVI"

A compilation of material written by Cardinal Ratzinger / Pope Benedict XVI.

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May 5, 1988 The Protocol Agreement of the Vatican and Archbishop Lefebvre
May 29, 1988 Letter of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger on "The Many Faces of Aids"
April 28, 1990 Newman Belongs to the Great Teachers of the Church
October 29, 1990 The Nature of the Priesthood
 1991 Bioethics In The Christian Perspective
April 8, 1991 The Problem of Threats to Human Life
March  1993 Christ, Faith, and the Challenge of Cultures
August 22, 1994 Norms for Use of Low-Gluten Bread and "Mustum"
October 28, 1995 Concerning the Reply of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on the Teaching Contained in the Apostolic Letter "Ordinatio Sacerdotalis"
November 8, 1995 Cover Letter from Cardinal Ratzinger to Bishops' Conference Presidents
May  1996 Relativism: The Central Problem for Faith Today
January 1, 1997 Question of truth lies at centre of theology
April 29, 1998 Unity of the Church's Mission Involves Diversity of Ministries
July 15, 1998 Commentary on the Profession of Faith
November 18, 1998 The Primacy of the Successor of Peter in the Mystery of the Church
 1999 The Problem of Christian Prophecy
June 16, 1999 The Surprise of an Encounter
November 15, 1999 Crises of Law
June 22, 2000 Cardinal Ratzinger's Remarks Regarding the Lefebvre Schism
September 14, 2000 Letter of Cardinal Ratzinger Regarding Dominus Iesus
September 14, 2000 Note on the Expression Sister Churches
December 19, 2000 Advent: Awaiting God's Justice
February 26, 2001 Vatican Notification on Jacques Dupuis Book
August  2001 The Way To True Happiness
September 19, 2001 Ecclesiology Of The Constitution On The Church, Vatican II, 'Lumen Gentium', The
May 8, 2002 Presentation By Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger
August  2002 Greatest Mystery, The
November  2002 Theology Of Kneeling, The
November 6, 2002 Beauty And The Truth Of Christ, The
November 13, 2002 Eucharist, Communion and Solidarity
November 20, 2002 Current Doctrinal Relevance Of The CCC
 2003 Celebrating Corpus Christi
April  2004 Biblical Interpretation in Crisis: On the Question of the Foundations and Approaches of Exegesis Today
June  2004 Worthiness to Receive Holy Communion — General Principles
June  2004 Europe: Its Spiritual Foundation: Yesterday, Today and in the Future
March 30, 2005 Heeding the Universal Call to Justice for All
March 30, 2005 Awake, and Christ Shall Give You Light!
April 8, 2005 Homily for Funeral Mass of John Paul II
April 18, 2005 Homily at the Mass for the Election of the Roman Pontiff
April 20, 2005 First Message of Pope Benedict XVI
April 20, 2005 First Message of Benedict XVI with Members of the College of Cardinals
April 24, 2005 Homily for the Mass of the Inauguration
April 25, 2005 Pope's Address to Journalists
April 25, 2005 Benedict XVI's Homily at St. Paul Outside the Walls
April 27, 2005 To Reflect on the Name I Have Chosen
May 11, 2005 Presiding in Doctrine and Presiding in Love
May 11, 2005 Thanks to Fear of the Lord, There Is No Fear of Evil
May 11, 2005 The Lord Will Guard You!
May 13, 2005 Indissoluble Bond: 'Romanum' and Petrinum'
May 18, 2005 'The Breath of God' Inspires Priesthood and Life
May 18, 2005 'Just and True Are Your Ways!'
May 25, 2005 'Praise the Name of the Lord!'
May 26, 2005 Jesus Goes Before Us to the Father
June  2005 Faithfully Following Jesus on the Streets of Our Life
June 1, 2005 Pope Places 'All Your Worries and Aspirations at the Feet of the Virgin'
June 1, 2005 'I Am Your Servant'
June 1, 2005 How Will We Be Able to Live Without Jesus?
June 8, 2005 Mary: 'Woman of the Eucharist' Her Entire Life
June 8, 2005 Foster Love of Christ and Church to Spread Truth
June 8, 2005 'He Humbled Himself'
June 15, 2005 'The Transmission of Faith in the Family'
June 15, 2005 Living the Truth that 'God Loves His People'
June 15, 2005 'To Fear the Lord'
June 15, 2005 Fight AIDS With Chastity
June 22, 2005 'Have Mercy on Us!'
June 28, 2005 Document Approving Compendium of the Catechism
June 29, 2005 'If the Lord Had Not Been on Our Side'
July  2005 The Soul of Europe
July 6, 2005 Introduction to the 'Compendium'
July 6, 2005 The 'Compendium' Faithfully Reflects the 'Catechism'
July 6, 2005 The Church: One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic
July 13, 2005 'He Chose Us'
July 26, 2005 Europe's Crisis of Culture
August 3, 2005 What the 'Grain of Wheat' Teaches Us Today
August 21, 2005 Church in Germany Needs to Become Ever More Missionary
August 24, 2005 Called, Like Mary, to Be Filled with God's Word
August 24, 2005 'Come, Lord Jesus!'
August 24, 2005 Colgone's 'Rich Legacy of Saints' Inspires Young People and the World
August 24, 2005 'My Heart Is Not Proud!'
August 24, 2005 Restoring the Unity
August 24, 2005 Holy Father Reaffirms that 'Whoever Meets Jesus Christ Meets Judaism'
August 24, 2005 'A True Springtime'
August 24, 2005 Dialogue Between Christians and Muslims Is Vital to the Future of All
August 24, 2005 Only From God Does True Revolution Come
August 24, 2005 Entering the 'hour'
August 25, 2005 'Deliver us, O Lord'
August 31, 2005 A 'Springtime of Hope'
September 7, 2005 If the Lord Does Not Build the House
September 14, 2005 'Firstborn of All Creation!'
September 21, 2005 Be Creative and Faithful Evangelizers of the Good News
September 21, 2005 Building Christian-Jewish Respect and Solidarity
September 21, 2005 Make 'Lectio Divina' a Cornerstone of Your Life
September 21, 2005 'A Place for the Lord'
September 28, 2005 Make the Precious Pearl of Faith Shine for All
September 28, 2005 Achieve Your Pastoral Initiatives In the Light of Holiness
September 28, 2005 'My Crown Shall Shine'
October 2, 2005 'Lord: Help Us to Be Converted!'
October 5, 2005 The Lord Is Close to Each One of Us
October 12, 2005 Your Pastoral Ministry Must Be Addressed to Everyone
October 12, 2005 'Sons of Israel, Bless the Lord'
October 12, 2005 'Following Christ': Ultimate Rule of Religious Life
October 12, 2005 Become What You Are: 'Mirrors' of the Lord
October 19, 2005 'Peace Be Upon You'
October 19, 2005 Receiving First Communion in this 'Year of the Eucharist'
October 23, 2005 Bread Broken for the Life of the World
October 23, 2005 We Must Start Again From the Eucharist
October 26, 2005 New Saints Live the 'Supreme Gift': the Eucharist
October 26, 2005 'Lord, Hear My Voice!'
October 26, 2005 Proceed and Act Together in a Spirit of Communion
October 28, 2005 Migrations: A Sign of the Times
November 2, 2005 Do Not Be Deterred from Continuing the Important Work of Ecumenical Dialogue
November 2, 2005 'Jesus Christ Is Lord!'
November 23, 2005 What Always Counts Is 'Steadfast Faith In Christ'
November 23, 2005 'To the God of Heaven Give Thanks'
November 30, 2005 Assisi Shrines Receive New Impetus
November 30, 2005 'He Chose Us In Him'
December 7, 2005 Foster Catholic Education of Youth, Organize Effective Adult Catechesis
December 7, 2005 Giving a Fresh Face to Pastoral Health Care
December 7, 2005 The Key Service of Today's Catholic University
December 7, 2005 'If I Forget You, Jerusalem'
December 8, 2005 In Truth, Peace
December 9, 2005 Mental Illness: 'A Real and Authentic Social Health Care Emergency'
December 11, 2005 The Crib Can Help Us
December 13, 2005 See Advent's Meaning Through Mary
December 14, 2005 Needed by Theologians: Competence, Faith, Humility
December 14, 2005 Humanity's Future Rests in the Family
December 14, 2005 Mary Turns to Us, Saying: 'Have the Courage to Dare With God!'
December 18, 2005 The Figure of St. Joseph
December 18, 2005 The Chief Person Responsible for the Work of Evangelization
December 22, 2005 Benedict XVI Urges Rediscovery of Christmas Traditions
December 22, 2005 Wake up, O Man! For Your Sake God Became Man
December 25, 2005 In That Child Lying in the Stable, God Has Shown His Glory
December 25, 2005 By Knocking at Our Door, God Challenges Us and Our Freedom
January 1, 2006 We Must Open Ourselves to the Truth
January 1, 2006 Peace Requires a Leap of Faith
January 7, 2006 The Magi's Worship: Fulfillment of Scriptures
January 9, 2006 Pope Benedict's State of the World Address
January 24, 2006 The Media: A Network for Communication, Communion and Cooperation
January 25, 2006 Deus Caritas Est
January 25, 2006 That They All May Be One
January 25, 2006 Missionary Families Trust in 'the Firm Rock'
January 31, 2006 Jesus at the Sight of the Crowds, Was Moved with Pity
February 1, 2006 'I Will Give You Glory!'
February 1, 2006 Charity Exceeds Philanthropy by 'Showing' Christ
February 1, 2006 'Sing a New Song!'
February 1, 2006 A 'Symphony of Hearts' Prays for Christian Unity
February 5, 2006 Profound Love for the Person: Key to the Service of Life
February 5, 2006 Life: God's Gift that Demands Respect, Care
February 6, 2006 The Evangelization of the Family Is a Pastoral Priority
February 8, 2006 'The Lord Is Faithful in All His Words'
February 8, 2006 Love for Truth Links the Canonical and Pastoral
February 8, 2006 Your People Need Bishops of 'Charity, Humility, Simplicity of Life'
February 8, 2006 Christ the Light Makes Unity Possible
February 8, 2006 The Task: Fidelity to Workers, Democracy, Church
February 8, 2006 'Shine with the Love of Christ, Light of the World'
February 10, 2006 Service to the Faith Is Also a Service to Joy
February 11, 2006 Placing Health in Mary's Hand
February 15, 2006 'My Soul Glorifies the Lord'
February 17, 2006 Propose and Spread the Faith in a Serious Way
February 18, 2006 The Greatest Importance to Your Ministry Is Union with Christ
February 20, 2006 The Bishop Must Inspire, Guide and Coordinate Evangelizing Action
February 22, 2006 Your Word Is a Lamp to My Feet and a Light to My Path
February 22, 2006 Out of Persecution, Oppression Come Fidelity, Strength
February 22, 2006 On this Rock I Will Build My Church
February 24, 2006 Called as Peacemakers to Strengthen Communion and Spread Compassion
February 25, 2006 Preparing for Your Mission as Priests with Mary's Help
February 27, 2006 Your Life Work Helps You Touch the 'Hand of God'
March 1, 2006 The Love of Christ Urges Us On!
March 1, 2006 On the Road!
March 2, 2006 'Choose Life' Means Choosing God
March 4, 2006 Combining Charity and Justice in Serving Others
March 11, 2006 Proclaiming and Living the Gospel: the Duty of All
March 15, 2006 Christ and the Church
March 18, 2006 Working to Make the Church a 'Home and School of Communion'
March 18, 2006 When Truth Is Offended, Injustices Arise
March 19, 2006 Man Is Subject and Protagonist of Work
March 22, 2006 Witnesses of Christ
March 24, 2006 Proclaim to All that 'Deus Caritas Est'
March 25, 2006 Echo Mary's Total Gift of Self for All
March 26, 2006 Conquering by the Cross: Jesus' Love Wins All
March 29, 2006 The Gift of 'Communion'
March 29, 2006 Build a Communion of Love in the World of Media
March 30, 2006 Europe: Creative Fidelity to Christian Heritage
March 30, 2006 Message for World Day of Prayer for Vocations
April 1, 2006 The 'Anthropological Question' Cannot Ignore God
April 3, 2006 To Attain Lasting Peace, Trust Must First Be Re-Created Aomng Christ's Disciples
April 3, 2006 The 'Rock of Faith'
April 5, 2006 The Church of Love Is Also the Church of Truth
April 6, 2006 The Mission for Youth and for All: Making God Present in Society
April 9, 2006 Poverty, Peace, Universality in the Cross
April 15, 2006 'I, but No Longer I!'
April 16, 2006 Jesus Is Risen, and He Gives Us Peace
April 19, 2006 God In Us, We In God
April 19, 2006 Pastor of God's Church
April 22, 2006 Three Men of Extraordinary Holiness
April 24, 2006 Peruvian Archbishop Leaves a Valuable Legacy
April 24, 2006 Treating Causes of Beatification and Canonization
April 24, 2006 The Church in Ghana Is Called to Shine Forth as a 'Beacon of Hope'
April 26, 2006 Communion in time: Tradition
April 27, 2006 Inner Freedom Is Needed to Overcome Selfishness
April 27, 2006 Divine Law Does Not Eliminate Human Freedom
April 27, 2006 Papal Message to Congregation for the Causes of Saints
April 29, 2006 Charity: Soul of the Mission
May 3, 2006 The Apostolic Tradition of the Church
May 3, 2006 Tradition Is the History of the Spirit Acting in the Church
May 7, 2006 Ordination to the Priesthood of 15 Deacons of the Diocese of Rome
May 10, 2006 Having a 'Vision from on High'
May 10, 2006 Apostolic Succession: Spiritual and Historical Tie to Christ
May 11, 2006 Draw Light and Strength for Christian Life from the Eucharist
May 11, 2006 God's Way of Loving and Human Love
May 11, 2006 Marriage Is a Real Good for Society
May 13, 2006 Promoting the 'Gospel of the Family and of Life'
May 15, 2006 Mobility with Regard to Muslim Countries
May 17, 2006 Peter, the Fisherman (1)
May 19, 2006 Genuine Solidarity, the Challenge Facing the Lay Faithful
May 20, 2006 Diocesan Reorganization Is an 'Exercise of Spiritual Renewal'
May 22, 2006 Consecrated People: Respond Faithfully to the Call of the Spirit
May 22, 2006 Ecclesial Movements: Builders of a Better World
May 23, 2006 Sacred Heart Of Jesus, Mystery of God's Love
May 24, 2006 Peter, the Apostle (2)
May 25, 2006 A Journey of Faith in the Footsteps of John Paul II
May 25, 2006 Priests: Promoters of the Encounter Between Man and God
May 25, 2006 Charity and Family: the Keys to Ecumenical Collaboration
May 26, 2006 Cultivate the Rich Heritage of Faith
May 26, 2006 Mary School of Faith
May 27, 2006 Young People: Build Your House on the Rock of Christ
May 27, 2006 In the Footsteps of John Paul II, a Witness of Faith
May 27, 2006 Meeting with the Sick - Visit to the Shrine of Divine Mercy
May 28, 2006 Two Million People Attend Krakow Mass
May 28, 2006 May the Living God Never Let This Happen Again
May 31, 2006 'Stand Firm in your Faith'
May 31, 2006 Month of May: Pope Thanks Mary for Her Protection
June 1, 2006 Nourish Christian People with the Food of Truth
June 3, 2006 May You Take Part in the Edification of the One Body
June 4, 2006 Holy Spirit Rebuilds Bridge Between Earth and Heaven
June 5, 2006 Educating Young People in Faith, a Fundamental Task
June 5, 2006 The Joy of Faith and the Education of the New Generations
June 6, 2006 Croatian Bishops: Workers for Reconciliation and Peace
June 7, 2006 Peter, the Rock (3)
June 14, 2006 Andrew, the Protoclete
June 15, 2006 Take This This Is My Body
June 21, 2006 James, the Greater
June 22, 2006 The Pope: Serene and Peaceful Coexistence in Middle East
June 23, 2006 Gospel Renovates Society with the Law of Love
June 24, 2006 Concert in Honor of the Holy Father
June 28, 2006 James, the Lesser
June 29, 2006 The Strength of God Counteracts Human Weakness
July 5, 2006 John, Son of Zebedee
July 8, 2006 Families, an Indispensable Foundation for Society
July 8, 2006 Life Without God Undermines the Truth About Man
July 9, 2006 Parenthood Reflects the Love of God the Father
July 23, 2006 Testimony to God's Victory through Non-Violence
August 2, 2006 Friends of Jesus
August 9, 2006 John, the Theologian
August 13, 2006 Pope Benedict XVI’s interview with Bayerische Rundfunk, ZDF, Deutsche Welle and Vatican Radio
August 16, 2006 Mary, the Exemplar
August 20, 2006 St. Bernard of Clairvaux
August 23, 2006 John, the Seer of Patmos
August 30, 2006 Matthew
September 3, 2006 Gregory the Great, a Model for Civil and Religious Leaders
September 4, 2006 Peace Must First Be Built In the Human Heart
September 6, 2006 Philip the Apostle
September 8, 2006 Democracy Succeeds Only When Based on Truth
September 9, 2006 Pope Encourages Bavarians to Follow Christian Values
September 9, 2006 Benedict XVI Prays Before the Patroness of Bavaria
September 10, 2006 The World Needs God
September 10, 2006 Homily at Celebration of Vespers in Cathedral of Munich
September 11, 2006 Seminarians, Priests, and Religious Encourged to Remain with the Lord
September 11, 2006 Mary and Jesus, United by Their 'Yes' to the Will of God
September 12, 2006 Proclaim the Human Face of God
September 12, 2006 Confession Witness, Love: Keys to Ecumenical Dialogue
September 12, 2006 Regensburg Address: Faith, Reason and the University - Memories and Reflections
September 13, 2006 Benedict XVI Blesses New Organ and Visits His Family's Tomb
September 14, 2006 Servants and 'Voices' of Christ, Who Is Master of the Word
September 16, 2006 Curing Illness Must Not Involve Suppressing Human Life
September 20, 2006 Respect For and Collaboration with Muslims
September 21, 2006 Cultivate Prayer Life, Not Activism
September 22, 2006 Parishes Be Inspired By the First Community of Jerusalem
September 23, 2006 Strengthen Fraternity
September 23, 2006 Dialogue to Build A More Fraternal Humanity
September 25, 2006 Need for Dialogue between Christians and Muslims
September 27, 2006 Thomas: the Twin
September 29, 2006 The Priesthood Is Not the Means for Social Advancement
October 4, 2006 Bartholomew
October 6, 2006 Theologians Mission through Silence and Contemplation
October 8, 2006 Christian Spouses, Be Faithful to Your Vocation
October 9, 2006 Promote the Sacrament of Penance
October 11, 2006 Simon and Jude
October 13, 2006 Serve the Lord with Detachment from the World
October 16, 2006 Often, International Action to Combat Hunger Ignores the Human Factor
October 18, 2006 Judas Iscariot and Matthias
October 18, 2006 The Migrant Family
October 19, 2006 Only Christ Fully Satisfies the Needs of the Human Heart
October 19, 2006 Verona, Pope Addresses Italian Ecclesial Congress
October 21, 2006 Science Must Promote the Human Search for What Is Good
October 23, 2006 Pontifical Universities: Priority to Spiritual Life
October 25, 2006 Paul of Tarsus (1)
October 26, 2006 Military Ordinaries: The Value of the Person and of Peace
October 27, 2006 Beyond the Things that Divide, Towards Unity in Christ
October 28, 2006 Sound Catechesis and Careful Formation of the Heart
October 30, 2006 Greece, Appropriate Juridical Status for the Church
November 1, 2006 Saintliness Means Listening to Jesus and Following Him
November 3, 2006 No Understanding of Man If God Is Denied
November 3, 2006 Vatican Museums, Where Faith and Art Intertwine
November 6, 2006 Science and Technology Cannot Fulfil All Needs
November 7, 2006 Address to the Bishops of Switzerland
November 7, 2006 God Must Be at the Center of Our Lives
November 8, 2006 St. Paul's New Outlook (2)
November 9, 2006 Benedict XVI Address to Bishops of Switzerland
November 9, 2006 Eucharistic Adoration Must Become Ever More Widespread
November 10, 2006 Secularization, A Challenge for the Church in Germany
November 15, 2006 St Paul and the Spirit (3)
November 17, 2006 Ecumenism, from Silence to the Word of Communion
November 18, 2006 Promote Marriage and the Family
November 22, 2006 St Paul and the Church (4)
November 24, 2006 Proximity to People Suffering from Infectious Illness
November 28, 2006 Continue Dialogue Between Christians and Muslims
November 28, 2006 Religions Must Refuse to Sanction Recourse to Violence
November 29, 2006 Pope Encourages the Small Turkish Catholic Community
December 1, 2006 Sunday: Primordial Nucleus of the Liturgical Year
December 2, 2006 Peace Is the Goal to Which All Humanity Aspires
December 2, 2006 Peace Is the Goal to Which All Humanity Aspires
December 6, 2006 Pastoral Visit to Turkey
December 8, 2006 The Human Person, The Heart of Peace
December 8, 2006 Prayer to Mary Immaculate
December 9, 2006 State Must Recognize Pubic Relevance of Religion
December 10, 2006 The Parish, A Beacon Radiating the Light of Faith
December 13, 2006 Timothy and Titus
December 13, 2006 Message for World Day of the Sick 2007
December 15, 2006 Christmas Gifts Are a Reminder of Jesus
December 20, 2006 The Glory of God Is the Salvation of Man
December 21, 2006 Peace Warrants Great Sacrifices on the Part of All
December 22, 2006 Benedict XVI Meets Roman Curia for Christmas Greetings
December 24, 2006 God Made Himself Small So That We Could Understand Him
December 25, 2006 Our Savior Is Born to the World!
December 27, 2006 Why Did God Do It?
December 31, 2006 Mother of God, Intercede to Bring Peace and Comfort
January 1, 2007 Peace, A Gift to Be Invoked, A Task to Be Carried Out
January 1, 2007 Inter-Religious Dialogue: A Vital Need of Our Time
January 3, 2007 Opening Our Hearts and Minds to Christ
January 7, 2007 In Each Newborn We Recognize that Life Is a Gift of God
January 8, 2007 Let Us Work to Build an Integral Humanism
January 10, 2007 Stephen, the Protomartyr
January 17, 2007 Follow the Path to Christian Unity Without Discouragement
January 20, 2007 Great Challenges Facing the Church in Latin America
January 24, 2007 Children and the Media: A Challenge for Education
January 24, 2007 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
January 25, 2007 Word of God Calls for Special Veneration and Obedience
January 25, 2007 The World Awaits the Joint Testimony of Christians
January 27, 2007 Discover the Beauty of the 'Truth of Marriage'
January 27, 2007 Just As I Have Loved You, You Also Should Love One Another
January 31, 2007 Barnabas, Silas (also called Silvanus), and Apollos
February 1, 2007 Pope Recall's Difficulties Faced by Christians In Middle East
February 2, 2007 Consecrated People Proclaim that God Is the Lord of Life
February 3, 2007 Announce the Beauty of God
February 7, 2007 Priscilla and Aquila
February 10, 2007 Formation of Conscience in Fundamental Values
February 10, 2007 The Vocation to the Service of the Church as Communion
February 11, 2007 Do Not Abandon People Suffering From Serious Illnesses
February 12, 2007 Promote the Maturation of Moral Conscience
February 13, 2007 They Shall Look on Him Whom They Have Pierced
February 14, 2007 Women At the Service of the Gospel
February 17, 2007 Catholic Church Has A Primary Role In Latin America
February 17, 2007 Benedict XVI Visit to Roman Seminary 2007
February 19, 2007 Rediscover the Sacrament of Penance
February 21, 2007 God Is Love and His Love Is the Secret of Our Happiness
February 21, 2007 Message for the 100th Anniversary of St. Peter Damian
March 7, 2007 St. Clement, Bishop of Rome
March 13, 2007 Sacramentum Caritatis
March 14, 2007 Saint Ignatius of Antioch
March 18, 2007 Address to Youth in Rome Prison
March 21, 2007 St. Justin, Philosopher and Martyr (c. 100-165)
March 24, 2007 Europe Must Not Forget the Identity of Its People
March 25, 2007 Divine Forgiveness Gives Us the Strength to Resist Evil
March 28, 2007 Saint Irenaeus of Lyons
March 29, 2007 Homily of His Holiness Benedict XVI in Preparation for the 22nd World Youth Day
April 1, 2007 Following Christ Means Complete Commitment to Him
April 4, 2007 The Paschal Mystery Is Present Reality
April 5, 2007 You Have Clothed Yourselves with Christ
April 6, 2007 Jesus Is the New and True Lamb
April 7, 2007 I Arose, and Am Still with You
April 8, 2007 Urbi et Orbi 2007
April 11, 2007 Witnesses of Christ's Death and His Passage to a New Life
April 15, 2007 Day After Day, Become Men and Women of God's Mercy!
April 18, 2007 Clement of Alexandria
April 21, 2007 The Mission Depends Upon Our Efforts and Upon Divine Grace
April 22, 2007 Augustine, A Model for Dialogue between Reason and Faith
April 22, 2007 The Church, A Community Committed to Christ's Charity
April 22, 2007 Passion for Truth, the Key to St. Augustine's Life
April 25, 2007 Origen of Alexandria: Life and Work
April 28, 2007 Oriental Churches: Example of Unity In Fragmented World
April 28, 2007 Development Must Not Ignore Moral and Religious Issues
April 29, 2007 May the Lord of the Harvest Produce Many Holy Priests
April 29, 2007 The Mystic Who Cried: 'Come and Love "Love"
May 2, 2007 Origen of Alexandria: The Thought
May 4, 2007 Christ Wanted One Church Open to Everyone
May 5, 2007 Holy Father Thanks "Fidei Donum" Missionaries
May 7, 2007 Female Religious: The Priority Is Intimacy with Christ
May 9, 2007 Christian Values Will Never Be Eradicated
May 10, 2007 Without Her "Young Face" the Church Would Be Disfigured
May 10, 2007 Pope Replies to Journalists' In-Flight Questions
May 11, 2007 Frei Galvao, the First Brazilian Saint
May 11, 2007 Bishops: Transmit Faithfulness to God's Primacy and Will
May 12, 2007 The Church Is Our Home
May 13, 2007 Faith In God Who Is Love: Latin America's Precious Heritage
May 13, 2007 Address at Inaugural Session of the Fifth General Conference of the Bishops of Latin America and the Caribbean
May 18, 2007 Mali: Commitment ot Reconciliation, Justice and Peace
May 19, 2007 Development Cannot Be Restricted to Economic Growth
May 23, 2007 Apostolic Journey to Brazil
May 24, 2007 Address to the Italian Episcopal Conference
May 26, 2007 Evangelization, the Main Priority for Mozambique
May 26, 2007 Respect Workers' Dignity and Rights
May 27, 2007 Message for World Mission Day
May 30, 2007 Tertullian
June 1, 2007 Open the Doors of Hope to the People of Africa
June 2, 2007 Pontifical Representatives: Always Remain Pastors
June 6, 2007 Saint Cyprian
June 7, 2007 The Eucharist, A Mystery Defying Human Understanding
June 8, 2007 Caritas: Assist In the Mission to Spread the Love of God
June 9, 2007 Center Community Life on the Eucharist and Practice Authentic Solidarity
June 9, 2007 The Words of the West Need the Words of the East
June 11, 2007 Education in Faith, Discipleship and Witness
June 13, 2007 Eusebius of Caesarea
June 14, 2007 Lack of Hope Is the Real Poverty
June 15, 2007 Promote Links Between Gospel and Culture
June 15, 2007 Plan for Pastoral Care and Evangelization in Slovakia
June 16, 2007 Continue Catholic-Orthodox Dialogue Undiscouraged
June 17, 2007 A Strong Sense of the Privilege and Duty of Living in Assisi
June 17, 2007 Francis: Enamoured of Christ and an Architect of Peace
June 17, 2007 The Life of the Friars Minor: 'to Observe the Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ'
June 17, 2007 Francis Embodies the Christological Truth at the Root of Human Existence
June 20, 2007 Saint Athanasius of Alexandria
June 21, 2007 Witnesses of Christ in the Troubled Regions of the East
June 21, 2007 Pope Recalls Leaders' Responsibility to Guarantee Peace
June 22, 2007 Bishops of Togo: Pastoral Care of Families and Formation
June 23, 2007 Faith and Reason in the Search for Truth
June 27, 2007 Saint Cyril of Jerusalem
June 28, 2007 Pauline Year to Be Characterized by Ecumenism
June 29, 2007 Say with Peter: You Are the Messiah, Son of the Living God
June 30, 2007 Letter to the Catholic Church in China
June 30, 2007 Puerto Rico: Facing Challenges of This Moment of History
July 4, 2007 Saint Basil
July 5, 2007 Dominican Republic: Fundamental Objective Is the Family
July 7, 2007 Letter to the Bishops on the Occasion of the Publication of Summorum Pontificum
July 7, 2007 Summorum Pontificum
July 20, 2007 Message for World Youth Day 2008
July 22, 2007 Renewed Appeal: "War Never Again!"
July 24, 2007 Pope and Priests: Feet on Earth, Eyes on Heaven
August 1, 2007 St. Basil - Part 2
August 8, 2007 Saint Gregory Nazianzus Part 1
August 10, 2007 Letter for the 15th Centenary of Death of St. John Chrysostom
August 22, 2007 Saint Gregory Nazianzus Part 2
August 29, 2007 Saint Gregory of Nyssa
September 1, 2007 A Life Dedicated to God Is Never Spent in Vain
September 1, 2007 Responses of the Holy Father to Questions Posed by Young People
September 2, 2007 Imitate the Humility of Mary
September 5, 2007 Saint Gregory of Nyssa - 2
September 6, 2007 Catholic Identity and Respect for Other Traditions
September 6, 2007 Avoid Punishment that Debases Human Dignity of Prisoners
September 7, 2007 Holy Father Begins His Pilgrimage to Mariazell
September 7, 2007 An Austria without a Vibrant Christian Faith Would No Longer Be Austria
September 7, 2007 Holy Father Begins His Pilgrimage to Mariazell
September 8, 2007 Christian Faith Opposes an Attitude of Resignation
September 8, 2007 Witnesses to God's Love Which Opposes Despair
September 9, 2007 Without the Lord's Day, Sunday, Life Does Not Flourish
September 9, 2007 Monasteries: Places of Spiritual Power
September 9, 2007 Volunteer Work Is A Valuable Service to Mankind
September 12, 2007 Benedict XVI Recalls His Visit to Austria
September 13, 2007 Strong Societies Are Built on Strong Families
September 15, 2007 Ireland: Lasting Peace Built on Forgiveness, Reconciliation
September 19, 2007 Saint John Chrysostom
September 20, 2007 Benin Bishops: Evangelical courage In Guiding the Faithful
September 21, 2007 Prevent Dissemination of Ideologies Which Obscure Truth
September 22, 2007 Bishops Must Be, Above All, Men of Prayer
September 23, 2007 Logic of Sharing and Not of Profit Is the Ultimate Good
September 24, 2007 Ukraine: Intensify Cooperation Among All Bishops
September 26, 2007 St John Chrysostom - 2
September 27, 2007 Ukraine: Unity of Catholics In the Diversity of Rites
September 29, 2007 Pope Confers Episcopal Ordination on Six Prelates
October  2007 Dossier on Pope Benedict XVI for the Month of October
October 3, 2007 Saint Cyril of Alexandria
October 5, 2007 Help All to Know and Live the Natural Moral Law
October 10, 2007 Saint Hilary of Poitiers
October 11, 2007 Promote the Dignity of Christian Marriage
October 11, 2007 Holy See Praises Efforts Towards Reconciliation in Korea
October 12, 2007 Lack of Job Security Affects Development of Society
October 17, 2007 Saint Eusebius of Vercelli
October 21, 2007 Hold Fast to the Greatest Transforming Power in the World: Prayer
October 24, 2007 Saint Ambrose of Milan
October 26, 2007 Gabon: Christian Life Founded on Clear Principles
October 27, 2007 Ecuador: New Constitution and Religious Freedom
October 27, 2007 Joy Is Rooted in the Freedom that God Gives
October 29, 2007 Therapeutic Experiments Must Respect Basic Ethical Norms
October 31, 2007 Saint Maximus of Turin
November 7, 2007 Saint Jerome (1)
November 8, 2007 Pontifical Academies: A Culture Worthy of Human Life
November 9, 2007 Uniting Maturity In Faith with Study
November 10, 2007 The Real Mission of the Church Is to Speak of God
November 10, 2007 Confraternities: Popular Schools of Living Faith
November 14, 2007 Saint Jerome (2)
November 16, 2007 Continuing Vitality of Church's Missionary Impulse
November 17, 2007 Helping Sick Elderly People in the Final Stages of Life
November 19, 2007 Marriage: A Precious Treasure to Be Guarded at all Costs
November 21, 2007 Aphraates, "the Sage"
November 22, 2007 Ensure that No One Will Ever Be Hungry Again
November 24, 2007 Christian Greatness Lies Not in Domination but in Service
November 25, 2007 Cardinals are Called to Give their Lives for the Church
November 28, 2007 Benedict XVI Message for 94th World Day of Migrants and Refugees
November 28, 2007 St. Ephrem
November 30, 2007 Spe Salvi - Saved by Hope
December 1, 2007 Counter Relativism with Fundamental Truths
December 1, 2007 Rediscover the Beauty and Profundity of Christian Hope
December 2, 2007 Sick People May Perceive the Merciful Love of God
December 3, 2007 Korean Bishops: Understanding Dynamism of Christian Life
December 5, 2007 Saint Chromatius of Aquileia
December 6, 2007 Pontifical Oriental Institute: A Heritage of Wisdom
December 11, 2007 The Human Family, A Community of Peace
December 12, 2007 Saint Paulinus of Nola
December 13, 2007 Pope Invites Young People to Say "Yes" to God
December 15, 2007 To Japanese Prelates: Faith Is a Treasure to be Shared
December 21, 2007 Benedict XVI Meets Roman Curia For Christmas Greetings
December 25, 2007 Urbi Et Orbi Message 2007
December 25, 2007 Christmas: Feast of Restored Creation
December 31, 2007 Lack of Hope In Life Is the "Dark" Evil of Modern Society
January 1, 2008 Peace, A Divine Gift to Be Constantly Implored
January 2, 2008 Mary, Mother of God
January 4, 2008 Secularism: Main Challenge Facing Church in Slovenia
January 4, 2008 "Gift of Mary": Serving the Needy with Love
January 6, 2008 God Is the Great Hope Humanity Needs
January 6, 2008 Lent, A Great Spiritual Retreat Lasting Forty Days
January 7, 2008 Address to the Diplomatic Corps
January 9, 2008 Saint Augustine of Hippo (1)
January 10, 2008 Respect and Support the Family Founded on Marriage
January 10, 2008 Benedict XVI's Letter to Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, S.J.
January 13, 2008 The Pope Baptizes Thirteen Infants
January 16, 2008 Saint Augustine of Hippo (2)
January 17, 2008 The Truth Makes Us Good and Goodness Is True
January 18, 2008 Catholics in Arab Regions: Builders of Peace and Justice
January 20, 2008 Mary Suffers With Those Who Are in Affliction
January 21, 2008 Teaching: 'First of the Spiritual Works of Mercy'
January 23, 2008 A More Favorable Context for Education
January 23, 2008 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
January 24, 2008 The Media: At the Crossroads between Self-Promotion and Service
January 25, 2008 Close Bond Between Canon Law and Church Life
January 26, 2008 Administering Justice in the Church
January 26, 2008 Genuine Ecumenism Has Its Roots in Prayer
January 28, 2008 Science Must Not Become the Criterion of Good
January 29, 2008 Christ Made Himself Poor for You (Message for Lent 2008)
January 30, 2008 Saint Augustine of Hippo (3)
January 31, 2008 Scientific Progress Must Respect Human Dignity
February 1, 2008 Greek-Catholic Ukrainians, First "Ad Limina" Visit In 70 Years
February 1, 2008 The "Adventure" of the Priesthood Is Necessary for the World
February 2, 2008 Following Christ without Compromise
February 6, 2008 Prayer, the Main "Weapon" In the Fight Against Evil
February 7, 2008 Pope Speaks with Roman Priests on Lent, Evangelization, Judgment
February 8, 2008 Revitalizing the Profound Christian Roots of Costa Rica
February 9, 2008 Address On the Spiritual Exercises
February 9, 2008 Christians Must Promote the Dignity of Women
February 9, 2008 Spiritual Exercises Favor the Contemplation of Christ
February 18, 2008 Religious Institutes: Rediscover the Original Charism
February 20, 2008 Message to Cuban Bishops Commemorating Anniversary of John Paul II's Visit
February 20, 2008 Saint Augustine of Hippo (4)
February 21, 2008 Serbia Christian Roots Offer Values for Reconciliation
February 21, 2008 Jesuits: Full Fidelity to the Society's Original Charism
February 22, 2008 Vocations at the Service of the Church on Mission
February 23, 2008 Educating People In Goodness Is Possible In Our Own Times
February 24, 2008 Everyone Has an Inborn Need of God
February 25, 2008 The Pope Condemns All Forms of Direct Euthanasia
February 27, 2008 Saint Augustine of Hippo (5)
February 28, 2008 Salvadorian Bishops: Ambitious Efforts at Evangelization
February 29, 2008 Interdependence and Solidarity to Meet World Challenges
February 29, 2008 Charity Work As an Expression of Evangelical Love
March 5, 2008 Saint Leo the Great
March 6, 2008 Evangelization of Cultures, A Priority TAsk
March 7, 2008 Historical Sciences Are of Great Interest for Church Life
March 7, 2008 In Confession We experience the Joy of God's Forgiveness
March 8, 2008 Exalted Values of Life to Counteract Secularization
March 9, 2008 I Survived Because "I Knew I Was Expected"
March 12, 2008 Boethius and Cassiodorus
March 13, 2008 Young People: Be Bearers of the Joy of the Holy Spirit
March 13, 2008 Haiti: Promoting Change and Reconciliation
March 17, 2008 Purifying Our Hearts In Order to Recognize God
March 19, 2008 Easter Triduum
March 20, 2008 Benedict XVI Holy Thursday - Chrism Mass
March 20, 2008 Benedict XVI Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord's Supper
March 21, 2008 Benedict XVI Good Friday, Via Crucis
March 23, 2008 Benedict XVI Easter Vigil Homily
March 23, 2008 Benedict XVI Homily for Easter Sunday
March 26, 2008 Christ Gives Us the Certainty of Our Own Resurrection
March 31, 2008 Salesians: Protecting, Reviving Faithfulness to the Call
April 2, 2008 May the Church Follow Teachings, Example of John Paul II
April 5, 2008 Gospel of Life is also Gospel of Mercy
April 5, 2008 Grandparents' Experience to Counter Crisis in Families
April 6, 2008 Saint Gregory the Great (2)
April 7, 2008 Bishops of Antilles Diocesan Pastoral Review
April 7, 2008 The 21st Century Opened Under the Sign of Martyrdom
April 8, 2008 Benedict XVI Advance Message to the United States
April 9, 2008 Saint Benedict of Norcia
April 10, 2008 A "New Humanism" Is Vital in Order to Achieve Peace
April 15, 2008 I Go to the United States With Joy
April 16, 2008 Joint Vatican-US Statement on Pope
April 16, 2008 Faith Sheds New Light on All Things
April 16, 2008 The People of This Country Are Known for Their Great Vitality and Creativity
April 17, 2008 Americans Have Always Been a People of Hope
April 17, 2008 Freedom Is Not an Opting Out, It Is an Opting In
April 17, 2008 A United Society Can Indeed Arise From a Plurality of Peoples
April 17, 2008 Benedict XVI Message to the Jewish Community on the Feast of Pesah
April 18, 2008 Benedict XVI Meeting with the Staff of the United Nations
April 18, 2008 Human Rights ... Must Be Respected As an Expression of Justice
April 18, 2008 Benedict XVI Address at the Ecumenical Prayer Service
April 19, 2008 Benedict XVI Votive Mass for the Universal Church at St. Patrick's Cathedral
April 19, 2008 Benedict XVI Meeting with Young People Having Disabilities
April 19, 2008 Benedict XVI Meeting with Young People and Seminarians
April 20, 2008 God of Peace, Bring Your Peace to Our Violent World
April 20, 2008 Look to the Future With Hope
April 20, 2008 Promote Peaceful Co-Existence between Nations
April 24, 2008 Prelates of Caucasus Support Faithful in Difficulties
April 24, 2008 Spiritual Value of Music Infuses Us with Hope
April 26, 2008 Young People Respond Courageously to the Lord's Call
April 27, 2008 New Priests Announcing and Bearing Witness to Hope
April 30, 2008 Apostolic Journey to the United States of America
May 2, 2008 Cuban Church Called to Offer the Only True Hope: Christ
May 3, 2008 Building the Common Good, Working for Peace and Justice
May 3, 2008 Rosary is not a Pious Practice Relegated to the Past
May 7, 2008 The Church Is Always In a State of Pentecost
May 8, 2008 Holy Father Praises Vitality of the Melkite Church
May 9, 2008 Asking the Holy Spirit for Unity of the Church
May 10, 2008 Catholic Church a Point of Reference in Hungary
May 10, 2008 Technology Cannot Substitute the Act of Marital Love
May 11, 2008 Participate Actively in Political and Social Life
May 11, 2008 In the Act Itself of Her Birth the Church Is Already 'Catholic'
May 12, 2008 Respect for Life, the Foundation of Civil Coexistence
May 14, 2008 Pseudo-Dionysius, the Areopagite
May 15, 2008 Human Mobility: A Frontier for New Evangelization
May 15, 2008 Consecrated Virginity: A Luminous and Fruitful Charism
May 16, 2008 Thai Bishops: Education and Inter-Religious Co-Operation
May 16, 2008 A Common Commitment to Support Families
May 17, 2008 Mercy, The Essence of Christianity
May 17, 2008 Visit to Genoa's "Gaslini" Paediatric Hospital
May 17, 2008 The Mission is a Duty of All Churches
May 17, 2008 Respecting the Charisms of Ecclesial Movements
May 18, 2008 Young People Cultivate Spiritual Life and Formation
May 18, 2008 Consecrated People, "Specialists" in Listening to God
May 18, 2008 Church is Called to Offer Witness of Communion
May 21, 2008 Saint Romanus the Melodist
May 22, 2008 The Eucharist Unites Us Over and Above All Differences
May 23, 2008 Albanian Bishops: Face Problems of the Church Together
May 23, 2008 Encourage a Passion for Truth among Communicators
May 23, 2008 Evangelization and Education of the New Generations
May 28, 2008 Saint Gregory the Great (1)
May 30, 2008 Bishops of Myanmar: Hope Despite Difficulties
May 31, 2008 Global Development and Integral Promotion of Mankind
May 31, 2008 Throne of God: The Only Rock that Does Not Change
June 2, 2008 Message on Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy
June 6, 2008 Christianity and Asian Spiritual Insight
June 7, 2008 Bridges of Understanding Across Religious Boundaries
June 7, 2008 Pope Highlights the Vital Role of Philosophy
June 9, 2008 Educate for Christian Hope by Opening Hearts to God
June 11, 2008 Saint Columban
June 12, 2008 Catholics in Bangladesh: Foster Unity and Peace
June 14, 2008 Young People: Be Apostles to Your Peers
June 14, 2008 Church in Puglia: A Bridge Between Peoples and Cultures
June 15, 2008 The Church is Called to Establish the Kingdom of Life
June 15, 2008 Prayer, the Most Important Moment of a Priest's Life
June 18, 2008 Saint Isidore of Seville
June 19, 2008 Pakistan: Seeds of Gospel Still Grow Despite Difficulties
June 19, 2008 Pope Recalls Armenia, Georgia, Iraq, Lebanon and Holy Land
June 20, 2008 Radio Participates in Mission and Visibility of the Church
June 22, 2008 The Eucharist Is Not a Meal Among Friends
June 25, 2008 St. Maximus the Confessor
June 26, 2008 Honduran Bishops at the Service of Charity
June 27, 2008 Hong Kong and Macao: Called to Bear Witness to Christ
June 28, 2008 Benedict XVI Inaugurates the Pauline Year
June 29, 2008 Christians Must Unite to Render Valid Witness of Christ
June 30, 2008 Mission of Pastors is a Consequence of Love for Christ
July 2, 2008 St Paul (1): Religious and Cultural Environment
July 4, 2008 Message to the Australian People and to Youth
July 10, 2008 Water: An Essential Good Given by God to Maintain Life
July 12, 2008 Twenty-Third World Youth Day: Stimulus to a Mature Faith
July 17, 2008 Welcome Ceremony and Visit to Mary MacKillop Memorial
July 17, 2008 Turning Our Back on Creator's Plan Provokes Disorder
July 18, 2008 Ecumenical Meeting in Sydney 2008
July 18, 2008 Address at Meeting with Representatives of Other Religions
July 18, 2008 Jesus Loves Those Who Make Mistakes
July 19, 2008 Renewal for the Whole Church in Australia
July 19, 2008 Transform Your Lives by Accepting the Holy Spirit
July 20, 2008 Young People: Build a Future of Hope for All Humanity
August 6, 2008 Open to the Spirit, Get to the Essential
August 13, 2008 St Edith Stein and St Maximilian Mary Kolbe
August 20, 2008 Reflection on Several Saints
August 27, 2008 St Paul (2): Life of Saint Paul before and after Damascus
September 3, 2008 St Paul (3): St Paul's "Conversion"
September 10, 2008 St Paul (4): St Paul's Concept of Apostolate
September 12, 2008 To Seek God and to Let Oneself Be Found by Him
September 12, 2008 Interview of the Holy Father Benedict XVI During the Flight to France
September 12, 2008 Pope Benedict XVI's Meeting with Representatives of the Jewish Community
September 12, 2008 Vespers with Priests, Religious, Seminarians and Deacons
September 12, 2008 The Church Has Confidence in the Young
September 13, 2008 Shun the Worship of Idols
September 13, 2008 Benedict XVI's Homily at Torchlight Procession in Rosary Square
September 14, 2008 Eucharistic Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary
September 14, 2008 Mary, Mother For Us All
September 14, 2008 Meeting with French Episcopal Conference
September 14, 2008 Pope Benedict XVI's Meditation During Blessed Sacrament Procession in Lourdes
September 15, 2008 Eucharistic Celebration for the Sick
September 15, 2008 Pope Benedict XVI's Farewell Message from Lourdes
September 17, 2008 Apostolic Journey to France
September 19, 2008 Authentic Disciples and Missionaries of Christ
September 20, 2008 New Bishops: Learn from St. Paul
September 20, 2008 Announce the Primacy of God without Compromise
September 21, 2008 Fraternal Reconciliation for Celebrating the Eucharist
September 22, 2008 Continue Along the Path to Evangelical Perfection
September 24, 2008 St Paul (5): Paul, the Twelve and the pre-Pauline Church
September 26, 2008 Uruguay: Teach the Faith of the Church In Its Entirety
September 26, 2008 Marriage Crisis Can Be Overcome
September 27, 2008 Against the Indiscriminate Exploitation of the Earth
October 1, 2008 St Paul (6), The "Council" of Jerusalem and the Incident in Antioch
October 2, 2008 Benedict XVI on the Occasion of the 40th Anniversary of Humanae Vitae
October 2, 2008 Church Does Not Impose But Freely Proposes the Faith
October 4, 2008 Official Visit of the Holy Father to the Italian President
October 5, 2008 Only the Word of God Changes the Human Heart
October 8, 2008 St. Paul Migrant, Apostle of the Peoples
October 8, 2008 St Paul (7), The Relationship with the Historical Jesus
October 13, 2008 World Food Security: Climate Change and Bioenergy
October 15, 2008 St Paul (8): Paul's Ecclesiological Dimension
October 16, 2008 Ecuador: Mature Laity Illuminates Society
October 16, 2008 Pope Praises the Constant Relevance of "Fides et Ratio"
October 19, 2008 Love of God and Neighbor Are Inseparable
October 19, 2008 Rosary Is Anchored in Holy Scripture
October 19, 2008 Benedict XVI's Address to Synod: "Dualism Between Exegesis and Theology Must Be Overcome"
October 20, 2008 Respecting the Human Dignity of All Patients
October 20, 2008 The 'Thinking' of Christ Purifies Us of False Wisdom
October 22, 2008 St Paul (9): The Importance of Christology: Pre-existence and Incarnation
October 26, 2008 Homily for the Closing of the World Synod of Bishops
October 28, 2008 Vatican II Documents Still Retain All their Relevance
October 29, 2008 St Paul (10): The Importance of Christology: the Theology of the Cross
October 31, 2008 Universe Does Not Originate from Chaos: It Is a Cosmos
October 31, 2008 Catholic Identity In Movements and Communities
November 5, 2008 St Paul (11): The Importance of Christology: the Decisiveness of the Resurrection
November 6, 2008 Catholic-Muslim Forum: Overcome Prejudices of the Past
November 7, 2008 Organ Transplant and Respect for Human Dignity
November 8, 2008 Taiwan: Contribution to World Stability
November 8, 2008 Magisterium of Pius XII, Valuable Heritage for the Church
November 10, 2008 Bolivia: Maintaining Hope, Fomenting Unity
November 12, 2008 St Paul (12): Eschatology: the Expectation of the Parousia
November 15, 2008 Cultural and Social Importance of Activity of Laity
November 15, 2008 Helping Sick Children to Face Up to Suffering
November 19, 2008 St Paul (13): The Doctrine of Justification: from Works to Faith
November 20, 2008 Monasteries: Oasis of Ascetic Life
November 24, 2008 Beauty Inseparable from Search for Truth and Goodness
November 26, 2008 St Paul (14): The Doctrine of Justification: The Apostle's Teaching on Faith and Works
November 28, 2008 Do Not Tire of Encountering Christ
November 29, 2008 Advent: A Cry of Hope of the Church and the Just
November 30, 2008 Conforming Our Lives to the Lord
December 1, 2008 Parma University Students Meet Pope
December 3, 2008 Address the Great Challenges That Mark the Post-Modern Age
December 3, 2008 St Paul (15): The Apostle’s teaching on the relation between Adam and Christ
December 4, 2008 Chile: Illuminate All Areas of Life with the Light of Faith
December 5, 2008 Recognizing the Importance of Natural Moral Law
December 8, 2008 Mary Helps Christians Become the Soul of the World
December 10, 2008 Human Rights Have Their Basis In God
December 10, 2008 St Paul (16): Theology of the sacraments
December 11, 2008 Letter to the Romans, A Living Message for the Church
December 12, 2008 Reception and Future of Ecumenical Dialogue
December 12, 2008 Taiwanese Bishops: United with Faithful of the Mainland
December 17, 2008 Christmas: Opportunity to Reflect on Meaning of Existence
December 20, 2008 Youth of Catholic Action: Only God Is Enough
December 20, 2008 Pope Praises Work of Institute of Sacred Archaeology
December 22, 2008 The Holy Spirit Gives Us Joy, and He Is Joy
December 24, 2008 Faith and Reason Together in the Thought of Duns Scotus
December 25, 2008 God Dwells on High, Yet He Stoops Down to Us!
December 25, 2008 Bethlehem's Divine Light Spread Out Over All the Earth
December 28, 2008 Giving Witness to the Importance of the Family
December 31, 2008 Hope In Facing Current Difficulties
January 1, 2009 Fighting Poverty through Sobriety and Solidarity
January 1, 2009 Fighting Poverty to Build Peace
January 6, 2009 Proclaiming Christ with Words and the Witness of Life
January 7, 2009 St Paul (17): Spiritual Worship
January 8, 2009 Papal Address to members of the Diplomatic Corps
January 10, 2009 Neo-Catechumenal Way: Joy, Faith, Search for Unity
January 11, 2009 We Restore to God That Which Has Come From Him
January 14, 2009 St Paul (18): The Theological vision of the Letters to the Colossians and Ephesians