Catholic Culture News
Catholic Culture News

say... that could work! Naaa...

By Leila Marie Lawler ( articles ) | May 27, 2004

Minidoc's comment below gave me an idea!

The dilemma, as I understand it, is that on the one hand irenic clergy are unwilling to tread on the sensitive consciences of the rainbow sisterhood this Pentacost by refusing them communion. In addition, they are afraid perhaps of creating more of a ruckus by turning dissidents away than by simply letting them do what they want to do.

On the other hand, even to our wimpy lot, it's worrisome to think of the possibility, however remote, that folks who wear the sashes may intend sacrilege -- that their outward garb is a sign of an inward posture incompatible with the reception of the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Our Lord. Leave aside the fact that this posture isn't so much of a hidden ambiguity as a published --even trumpeted -- reality.

Well, here's the solution: just this one Sunday (not as a regular thing of course, no) the bishops should direct the faithful to receive communion kneeling! Everyone kneel! Make an outward demonstration of reverence, awe, humility, and respect! It's okay, just this once, to kneel right there in the aisle. Hey, if you're kneeling, you can receive!

Think of the mindset of the multi-colorful ones. Would their bitterness, scorn, spitefulness, and anger allow them to kneel, or would they turn away or, maybe, just maybe, even repent?

I know this could work! This is the peaceful nonconfrontational way to show the world what we really believe; to give an unmistakable outward sign of an inward reality.

This is it! Bishops? bishops? anyone? bi...

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