Catholic Culture Overview
Catholic Culture Overview

amazing coincidence

By Diogenes ( articles ) | Oct 24, 2007

Here is the web site for the Planned Parenthood clinic in Worcester, Massachusetts. Make a note of the phone number for local calls: (508) 854-3300.

Now here is the web site for student health services at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester. Notice the number recommended to students who are concerned about sexually transmitted diseases: 508-854-3300. Haven't we seen that number somewhere else?

No, Holy Cross doesn't refer students to Planned Parenthood for abortions. Holy Cross refers students to Planned Parenthood for STD tests. But Holy Cross does refer students to Planned Parenthood.

So tonight, when Planned Parenthood representatives participate in a panel at Holy Cross on teen pregnancy, it won't be the first point of contact. They're already working together.

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